3 important things that i learnt this year in visual merchandinsing are...
1. I'm a lot more creative than i thought i was before coming to this class, how to draw in perspective & my shopping experience are much more exciting because i notice all different kinds of principles of design and such in store displays
2.I have improved my people skills (public speaking etc.), using my time effectively & work ethic
3. Ive learn t more about how my mind works, ways that i learn most effectively & keeping myself motivated
My biggest success in the course is that i feel as though my mind is broader and im no longer afraid to put my creative ideas out there and im willing to take more chances, im also a lot more comfortable with speaking out loud and im a much better drawer.
My biggest challenge was public speaking, sharing my ideas with others, drawing in perspective, working at such a fast pace/trying to keep up, talking with the instructors about my struggles
-Tumelo C.
Awesome to hear! Creativity is one of those things we need practice at too. What a journey and look at what you have learned!